Saturday 16 February 2013

Valuable Lessons

I learned a very valuable lesson yesterday...

...always back everything on your laptop up to an external drive.

This may sound totally sensible to all of you - it certainly does to me - and yet I hadn't done it.  The result was my laptop suffered an irreversible problem that I couldn't fix without reverting back to the factory settings.


I've lost everything.  Business stuff. School stuff. Work stuff. Home stuff. Kid stuff.

The most painfull loss is the loss of all of my photos.

Double Agh!!!!!

It did make me think though.  It made me think about everything we know we should do in life, but don't and then spend time wishing we had.

Should we have asked that boy out on a date?

Should we have bought that pair of shoes that were never going to be that price again AND available in our size?

Should we take that job that might be a bit scary to start off with, but might just be the best thing that ever happened to us?

Should we be brave enough to turn our hobby into our business?

We all have a lot of 'should' questions that we ask ourselves everyday.  Some with consequences more important than others. 

Maybe the question we should ask is 'What will be the consequence if I don't take action now?'

In the meantime, I know what I will be doing...

...buying myself a terabyte of external back up space just in case I can't do anything about the question straight away!!

1 comment:

  1. I totally know how you feel.. I have been there.. Also don't forget to lock up your laptop with a laptop lock to prevent it from being stolen.. That's no fun either...
